John 14:2-3 " In my fathers house there are many rooms; if it were not so, i would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. And if i go and prepare a place for you, i will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Heaven has many rooms, unlimited rooms for us and others, and its our job to fill these rooms with friends family and Gods children. let us act like a dog acts, it loves everyone, it does not pick out whos the coolest or whos got money. it loves everyone, as long as you love it back. this is just a side note, i was reading a story on foxla, a man and his wife was walling there dog at a camp site, the man left the wife with his dog to go to the bathroom, while tuning the corner he spotted a mountian lion about 100 yards off, the lion for no reason rushed the man, but about 20 yards of the man, the dog met the lion and attacked the lion, to protect his masters. After 70 seconds of screaming and just a violent fight, the lion ran off leaving the dog with its side ripped open the man rushed the dog to the vet and after four hours of sergery the dog came out with over 50 stitches happy. a dog was willing to lay down his life for his masters are we willing to lay down our status life? being a cool guy, being popular. any ways more next time, i hope this made any sence. love you guys thank you taking time and reading. more to come soon